
Cinnamon Oatmeal Pancakes and May’s Class Schedule
April showers have finally brought May flowers! Cache Valley is beginning to bloom and Food $ense is gearing up for a fabulous month of classes! CLASSES AT THE CACHE COUNTY EXTENSION OFFICE Daytime and Nighttime Food $ense: Making mixes from home is more nutritious and cost-effective than buying a mix from the store. This month…
May 1, 2014 in Breakfast, Food $ense Schedule, Recipes, Uncategorized, Vegetarian Entrees.

Heart Healthy Quiche
I hope you are all having a wonderful Thursday! Today, I am going to be showing you how to make a healthier version of a breakfast classic. Quiche! Quiche is an open-faced pastry crust filled with an egg and cheese mixture. While I absolutely love this dish for a weekend brunch, I realize that the…
April 10, 2014 in Breakfast, Recipes, Uncategorized, Vegetarian Entrees.

Cooking in Season with Broccoli
It’s our next “Cooking in Season” episode and today we are going to be talking all about broccoli! Learning about in-season produce is so important to healthy eating. It not only allows you to pick the most flavorful produce, but also gives a blueprint on how to best cook that fruit or vegetable. I know…
March 13, 2014 in Beef Entrees, Breakfast, Chicken Entrees, Recipes, Tips and Tricks, Vegetarian Entrees.

Fall Spice Squash Muffins
I truly love muffins, but not those calorie and sugar-laden muffins found at most bakeries. My favorites are the small, homemade muffins that can be eaten with breakfasts or packed to take along for a healthy snack. Muffins are so simple to make and fun to eat. Soft and squishy. Full of flavor. What is…
November 24, 2013 in Breakfast, Recipes, Uncategorized, Vegetarian Entrees.
National Food Day and Pumpkin-Banana Baked Oatmeal
Wow! That is an extra long title today,so I will say I am sorry about that, but before we get to the recipe of the week, I just want to recap a very special event that took place this past Thursday! October 24 was National Food Day; a day aimed at educating people across the…
October 28, 2013 in Breakfast, Recipes, Uncategorized.
A Quick Bite
Welcome to Table for One: Big Bites on a Little Budget!
I’m Chelsea, a Nutrition Education Assistant with the Cache County Food $ense Program. I know that cooking for one can be a challenge at times, so I hope to show you how I am getting creative in the kitchen and managing to eat crazy-good-nutritious food all while staying within my little budget.
Find out more about Cache County Food $ense at www.extension.usu.edu/foodsense.
Now. Get Ready. Grab Your Apron. And Get Cookin’.Search
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Food $ense Disclaimer
The Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program provides nutrition assistance to people with low income. It can help you buy nutritious foods for a better diet. To find out more, contact 1.800.221.5689 or visit online at http://fns.usda.gov/fsp/outreach/coalition/map.htm. This institution is an equal opportunity provider and employer.