Cooking in Season: Rhubarb
As I wandered around our local farmers’ market this past weekend, I couldn’t help but think how lucky we are in Cache Valley to have these summer months filled with fresh fruits and veggies. Every stand was over-flowing with dark leafy greens, beautiful radishes, and crisp rhubarb stalks. Although it was only 10am, I immediately started dreaming up…

8 Keys to Summer Food Safety
Fire up the grill and break out the hamburger buns! BBQ and Picnic season are officially here! Although It has been cold and dreary here in Cache Valley, but I am still dreaming up all the summer fun that will be had when the beautiful summer sun returns! Over the last couple of months, we…
Skillet Penne with Fresh Veggies
Hi all! I hope your Thursday is off to a wonderful start. I am quite excited today, as it is my favorite day of the month. Can you guess why? Yep, that’s right! Today is the day I share with you the recipe of the month. Let me tell you, this one is a real winner.…
Banana- Strawberry Ice Cream and June’s Schedule
How did June get here so quickly? It feels like this year is just flying by! Before we know it, this summer will be gone and we will be left dreaming of S’MORES and the bounty of fresh produce that comes this time of year. Make the most of your summertime cooking with Food $ense this…
Guest Post: Summer Fitness with Callie
Good morning! I hope your Thursday is off to a wonderful start. This week, we have a special guest with us to share her tips on staying fit this summer. Take it away Callie: Summer is FINALLY here…well not officially yet, but once we hit Memorial Day and the end of school, it seems like…
Cooking in Season: Asparagus
First things first, did you know that asparagus breathes? Actually, all vegetables “breathe”. When plants are picked or cut, they continue to breathe in oxygen and release carbon dioxide. This breathing allows us to keep our vegetables in the fridge for a few days before they begin to go bad. The speed at which vegetables breathe is…
May 22, 2014 in Recipes, Tips and Tricks, Uncategorized, Vegetarian Entrees.
Healthy Eating On The Go
The travel bug has bitten. Kids are out of school, the weather is warm, and there is fun to be had! At Food $ense, we want to make sure you are equipped with the tools that you need to make all of your summer vacations as healthy as can be. Whether you are hitting…
May 14, 2014 in Tips and Tricks, Uncategorized.
A Quick Bite
Welcome to Table for One: Big Bites on a Little Budget!
I’m Chelsea, a Nutrition Education Assistant with the Cache County Food $ense Program. I know that cooking for one can be a challenge at times, so I hope to show you how I am getting creative in the kitchen and managing to eat crazy-good-nutritious food all while staying within my little budget.
Find out more about Cache County Food $ense at www.extension.usu.edu/foodsense.
Now. Get Ready. Grab Your Apron. And Get Cookin’.

Slow Cooker Sesame Chicken
After a whirlwind of a week, I finally have a chance to sit down and share one of my all-time favorite recipes with you. Sharing lost mary recipes happens to be one of my favorite things and I am just so excited to get to today’s recipe. Today, I am going to be showing you how to…
May 8, 2014 in Chicken Entrees, Recipes, Uncategorized.
Cinnamon Oatmeal Pancakes and May’s Class Schedule
April showers have finally brought May flowers! Cache Valley is beginning to bloom and Food $ense is gearing up for a fabulous month of classes! CLASSES AT THE CACHE COUNTY EXTENSION OFFICE Daytime and Nighttime Food $ense: Making mixes from home is more nutritious and cost-effective than buying a mix from the store. This month…
May 1, 2014 in Breakfast, Food $ense Schedule, Recipes, Uncategorized, Vegetarian Entrees.
Eating in Season: the Pineapple
It’s coming! And just what might that be? It’s the start of the farmers’ market! Farmers’ markets will soon be brimming with an abundance of fresh fruits and vegetables. I cannot wait for all of the local goodies that will be available for picking. The Cache Valley Gardeners’ Market is just two weeks away…April 24, 2014 in Beef Entrees, Chicken Entrees, Recipes, Tips and Tricks, Uncategorized.
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Food $ense Disclaimer
The Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program provides nutrition assistance to people with low income. It can help you buy nutritious foods for a better diet. To find out more, contact 1.800.221.5689 or visit online at http://fns.usda.gov/fsp/outreach/coalition/map.htm. This institution is an equal opportunity provider and employer.