About Us
Well hello there! Welcome to Table for One: Big Bites on a Little budget.
At Table For One, our goal is simple. We are helping individuals obtain the best nutrition with the resources they have. We do this through the simple, tasty recipes we use and the nutrition lessons we teach.
This blog was started in conjunction with the Utah Food $ense Program. This program is a part of Utah State University Extension and is known nationally as SNAP- Ed (Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program Education).
Here in Cache Valley, Food $ense offers free nutrition and cooking workshops. At each class, new recipes are shared and tips on eating well and living a healthy life are taught. To find out more about these classes and how to attend, call 435-752-6263 or check out our Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Food-ense-Cache-County/235176476651645. Food $ense offers free nutrition and cooking workshops throughout the state and can be found teaching classes all over in homes, grocery stores, schools and local farmers markets.
Meet Our Team:
Candi Merritt-
Candi Merritt is the Supervisor for the Cache County Food $ense Program. She attended Utah State University, graduating in Financial Counseling and Planning. After graduation she worked as a Housing and Financial Counselor for the Utah State University Family Life Center. She started working with the Food $ense program as the supervisor in 2008. She is a Utah native and with her husband,Brandon, is raising their two children, Paisley and Max. She enjoys cooking, running, and photography.
Chelsea Preedy-
Chelsea Preedy began working as an intern with Utah Food $ense in May of 2013. She is now a Nutrition Education Assistant who teaches classes in Cache Valley. Chelsea is studying dietetics at Utah State University so that she can teach others how to make healthier food and nutrition choices. Chelsea is a Colorado native who loves hiking and baking healthy treats.
Tayla Lambright-
Tayla Lambright has been working for the Food $ense program since 2012. She is a Nutrition Education Assistant and helps teach classes in Cache Valley. She is attending Utah State University and is majoring in Dietetics and Exercise Science. She grew up in Mantua, Utah and is passionate about health and fitness.
Callie Ward-
Callie Ward is the newest Nutrition Education Assistant with Cache County Food $ense. She recently graduated from Utah State in Family Life Studies. Callie worked with the Cache County USU Extension last year for her capstone project and even taught one of the Food $ense classes on meal planning. She is originally from Delta, Utah but lives in Hyrum with her husband Cody, and their two kids Rylee and Archer. She enjoys hunting, 4-wheeling, and camping although her most favorite thing is to go back home to Delta to work cows on the family ranch.
Through our passion for cooking and nutrition, we hope to show you just how easy healthy eating can be.
Thanks again for stopping by our Table For One. Bon Appetite!

2 thoughts on “About Us”

I have been reading your blog for more than couple of months now and have learned a lot. It is really good and you are maintaining it very well. I would like to submit my post on your blog (as guest post) with my website link. Please let me know if you are accepting guest posts for free of cost and I’m ready to discuss my contents with you, I promise you with unique, quality and 100% plagiarism free content. I am looking forward to get your reply.
Thank You,
Tanya Schenck

Table for One: Big Bites on a Little Budget
Hi Tanya,
I am so glad to hear that you are learning a lot. I really appreciate the feedback. We would love guest posts, however, because we are a government funded program (SNAP- supplemental nutrition assistance program), it gets tricky having just anybody write our guest posts. Our guest posts are written by other nutrition education assistants or Extension agents that work in our office. I hope we can continue providing great information to get you excited about nutrition and cooking.
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A Quick Bite
Welcome to Table for One: Big Bites on a Little Budget!
I’m Chelsea, a Nutrition Education Assistant with the Cache County Food $ense Program. I know that cooking for one can be a challenge at times, so I hope to show you how I am getting creative in the kitchen and managing to eat crazy-good-nutritious food all while staying within my little budget.
Find out more about Cache County Food $ense at www.extension.usu.edu/foodsense.
Now. Get Ready. Grab Your Apron. And Get Cookin’.Search
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Food $ense Disclaimer
The Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program provides nutrition assistance to people with low income. It can help you buy nutritious foods for a better diet. To find out more, contact 1.800.221.5689 or visit online at http://fns.usda.gov/fsp/outreach/coalition/map.htm. This institution is an equal opportunity provider and employer.